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How to Choose a Dog

Dogs have always been one of the popular pets and according to archaeological evidence, the domestication of these animals started around 10,000 BC. These animals have been touted as the most loyal and you might have heard of numerous stories depicting dog as man's best friend. Owning a dog can be a really great experience for the owner as well as his family members. However, it is a very important decision, which has to be taken after thinking over the pros and cons. Apart from the joy of owning a pet, it is a matter of commitment on the part of the owner, to take care of that dog, throughout its lifetime. So, think of the duties and responsibilities (includes the financial aspect too) on your part and decide. If you have taken the decision to own a dog, the next question is about the dog breed. Choosing the right dog breed is often a confusing situation, as there are various types of dogs.

Choosing the Right Dog

Financial Aspects: If you are concerned about the financial aspects of owning a dog, collect details about the cost of owning dogs of different breeds and make a list of those dogs, which, you can afford to raise as pets. Once you make the list, you can choose a dog, after considering other factors like size, looks, gender and compatibility.

Dog Size: This is one of the most important criteria for dog selection. Size is a matter of concern, for those who want to carry their pet dogs. However, such small dogs have to be handled very carefully, as most of them are fragile. It is a common misconception that big dogs need more space, but, this is not always true, as some big dogs, like, docile Greyhound can be kept in small spaces. But, larger dogs with waging tails can either damage household articles or cause tail injury. Another important fact is that the larger the dog, the bigger the expenses, whether it be medical health care, food or training.

Looks of the Dog: There are many people, who choose a dog, only for its looks. While, some people like dogs with ferocious looks, other love cute appearance. Such people do not care about other factors, while choosing the dog and land in trouble, when they bring these dogs to home. So, it is better to study all aspects of a particular dog breed before investing.

Age and Gender: While most people choose puppies, there are some, who go for grown-up dogs. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. While puppies are easy to be trained and get adjusted to their new home, grown up dogs may take time and may also resist your efforts to get them trained. Moreover, puppies are always preferred to older ones, in families with kids. When it comes to selection of gender, most people prefer male dogs, as there is no question of pregnancy. But, females are preferred, as they are found to be more sensible for training and do not have the tendency to run away, as compared to males.

Compatibility: Compatibility is one important factor, which should not be forgotten. Compatibility can be with kids, family members, other pets and new surroundings. If your kids are small and are not capable to handle puppies properly, then, puppies are not a good option. Dogs, which shed hair are also not recommended for a family with small kids, as the hair may trigger allergic reactions. It is always better to choose a dog that is gentle in nature and is best suited for kids. If you have other pets, then, try to get a dog breed, which is friendly towards other animals.

Other Factors: There are many other factors, which have to be taken care of, while selecting a dog. This include the health issues of various dog breeds, what all characters you need in a dog, whether you want a watchdog or a companion, whether you can afford to spend time with your pet, from where you obtain the dog (from breeders, rescues, shelters), you need a pure breed or cross-breed and whether the dog breed you select can survive the local climatic conditions.

In short, choosing a dog can be very easy, if you have a basic idea about the various dog breeds. You may also talk to experts like breeders, veterinarians and elders, for their opinion. Otherwise conduct an in-depth study about the above said factors and then, make a decision.

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