1. Wash your dog. Oftentimes, washing your dog with hot h2o and a light fluid plate detergent or a simple dog shampoo will destroy most if not all ticks on the dog.
This therapy is best done to treat light to moderate flea outbreaks, but it may not be potent enough to destroy ticks in large numbers.
Only use a light plate detergent free from added dyes and perfumes and safe for use on sensitive epidermis. Stop therapy if your dog has a bad reaction to the detergent.
Lather and rinse the dog once per day for three times until you have killed the ticks.
Soap traps ticks and lifts them off the dog. Additionally, it disrupts the cell membranes of the ticks and removes their protective waxes. As a result, the flea can no longer retain h2o and dies from dehydration.
2. Clean your dog with a special flea comb. You can use a comb sold specifically as a flea comb, but you could also use any fine-toothed comb with very small gaps in between the teeth.
Flea combs physically lift ticks out of your canine's cover.
Comb your dog from top to bottom. As you comb, make sure that the comb reaches the pet's epidermis. If you only comb the fur without reaching the epidermis, some ticks may remain even afterward.
You should immediately dip your flea comb into a bucket or plate of heated, h2o and detergent once you remove a flea. This soapy concoction should be able to destroy the ticks.
3. Rub fresh freshly squeezed orange juice into your canine's cover. Applying diluted fresh freshly squeezed orange juice to your canine's fur should destroy most of the ticks, especially if you take the time to rub the fresh freshly squeezed orange juice into the cover instead of simply letting it sit on the cover.
Mix equal parts fresh freshly squeezed orange juice and hot h2o in a container of apply.
Alternatively, you could cut a orange into quarters and cover it with steaming h2o. Let the mixture extreme for eight hours or overnight before straining the fluid into a container of apply.
Spray the orange h2o all over your canine's cover, mainly focusing behind the ears, around the head, around the platform of the end, and under the legs.
Rub the mixture into the fur so that it reaches the epidermis.
Repeat this procedure once daily for three times.
4. Treat your dog with therapy. The the apple company cider flea remedy can be given to your dog by mouth or topically.[3]
To use this therapy by mouth, mix 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of the apple company cier the apple company cider vinegar into your canine's h2o. Do this once every few times. The the apple company cider vinegar will eventually seep into the epidermis, making it more acidic and less appetizing to ticks.
To use the therapy topically, mix equal parts therapy and hot h2o in a container of apply. Coat your dog with the repellant, spraying it all over the cover but focusing on areas where ticks are prone to gather, like behind the ears, at the platform of the end, and under the legs.
If you pet's epidermis becomes unusually dry or if you suspect that your dog is having a negative reaction to the the apple company cider vinegar, quit therapy immediately.
5. Prepare a peppermint flea dip. Soak your dog with rosemary-infused h2o and let it dry naturally.
Steep 2 cups (500 ml) of fresh peppermint sprigs in steaming h2o for 30 minutes. Use enough h2o to cover the peppermint completely.
Strain the fluid and discard the leaves.
Add up to 1 gallon (4 L) of hot h2o to the peppermint h2o. Use less h2o for a small dog.
Let the temperature of the peppermint h2o cool slightly. It needs to be heated, but it should not be so hot that it burns your pet.
Pour the h2o over the dog, drenching it completely. Let air dry.
6. Apply rose essential oil. You only need to use a few drops of rose oil in a few key places to take advantage of this effect.
Wash your dog normally with hot h2o and detergent. Dry the dog using a towel.
Apply a few drops of rose essential oil to the platform of the end and a few at the back of the neck. Use your fingers to gently massage the oils into your canine's cover and epidermis.