1. Blot the pee on your rug with sponges.
Use fresh sponges and apply pressure.
Repeat this phase until you are unable to dip up any more pee.
2. Mix 3 parts apple cider vinegar with 1 part h2o and saturate the much dirty place.
3. Dry the place thoroughly.
Use fresh sponges and apply pressure.
Repeat this phase until you are unable to dip up any more liquid.
4. Spread ordinary cooking soft drinks over the place.
5. Mix 3/4 cup (180 ml) of 3 percent bleach with one teaspoon (5 ml) of dish soap and sprinkle it over the ordinary cooking soft drinks.
Do this on an inconspicuous place at first to confirm that there is no discoloration.
6. Use your fingertips or a scrubbing brush to rub in the ordinary cooking soft drinks.
Be sure to wear rubberized safety gloves if using your fingertips.
7. Allow the mixture to dry.
8. Vacuum the much dirty place.
If you no more fragrance pee, you are completed. Otherwise, continue to the next phase.
9. Examine other areas of your rug for pee.
Use a black light to reveal any hidden pee stains in your carpets.
Repeat the previous steps, excluding phase 1.
If you no more fragrance pee, you are completed. Otherwise, continue to the next phase.
10. Examine clothing for pee.
If any clothing has pee, add � cup (60 ml) of therapy to the soap in your regular clean.
If you no more fragrance pee, you are completed. Otherwise, continue to the next phase.
11. Examine hard surfaces and walls for pee.
Wash the much dirty place with a household better that does not contain ammonia.
Wipe the place fresh with h2o.
Wash the much dirty place again with a household better that does not contain ammonia.
Wipe the place fresh again with h2o.
In a bottle of apply, mix 10 parts h2o to 1 part lighten.
Put on rubberized safety gloves and apply the much dirty place.
Let the lighten sit for 30 seconds.
Clean the much dirty place with a damp cloth.